About Us
We are a gospel group based in Sonoma County, California. We are extremely proud to announce our first ever debut album, One More Prayer, available NOW on Apple Music and Apple Music+ for streaming (listen below). We are also on Spotify.
OUR MUSIC style is a blend of classic and new. While we pay homage to the rhythm design of yesteryear, we incorporate, organically, modern beats and vocals. The result is a sound that is uniquely SONCERITY.
OUR MISSION is to spread the message of hope, love and grace that comes from walking a path with God. Living a life with Jesus means living in His divine light. As God’s stewards of light, we focus on the everyday miracles that flood our amazing world. Our music aims to uplift rather than constrain, and to enlighten and not shade. We understand that in choosing to hold Christ in your heart is the key to a life well lived and one that if filled with endless possibilities. Where some might see His hand as limiting, we sing the praises of His gift of grace and all that it releases in the human spirit.
OUR NAME is created from our connection and privilege of being stewards of God’s word and our devotion to the sincerity of our communication of that word in song. The Bible places a high value on sincerity stating that love must be sincere, and so also must faith be sincere. Sincerity is the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. Sincere people represent themselves honestly, and their verbal expressions are free from double-talk, gossip, flattery or embellishment.